Once...not so far ago...MadCom left to Tr3Yo 2 comments,when he took me in his collab,and didn't took Maddy!
Tu blyat dashe Bolika vzyal v kollab!
(Fucking god damn,you even took Bolik [me] in collab!!!)
Tr3Yo responds:
lol, on lu4we tebya -_-
(lol he is better then you! -_-)
Da nihuya. On vuigral duel ibo u nego sdes "druzei" bolshe.
(No fucking way.He won duel,cause he have many friends here)
Tr3Yo responds:
ego testu i vpravdu byli lu4we, 4o, proigruvat ne umeem da?
(His tests are better,you can't take a loose?)
I don't want to see MadCom in my collab...it means...
[EDIT]:I also have a duel with Tr3Yo...GOOD LUCK BROTHA!