I am newbie in here...but I want to host a collab,tommorow.I'll give you a test,to show you my expierence of my madness animating! So join my collab!
(Stil do not have menu...but have some parts :D)
Music:Annihilation 999 - Dubstep
Credits song
Madness Disruption collab.
JeffBee (1)-lol,link on myself :D
Delamortes (0)-HALL YEAHS!
Tr3Yo (2)-Best friend :D
SniperHank (1)-one more best friend xD
Lubos (0)-good man
Rockyusa (0)-YAY
GabrielBarsch (0) - fuck yes!
GrudgyGrunt (2)-holy shit dicks!
DeathIsAwesome (0)-Awzum :3
23DKiller (0)-So here he comes)
Un-co authored:
MadCom (0)-Friend :3
Collabs I am in:
Madness test collab 2
Madness Intimidation Collab
30 fps
black backgroung!
[Edit]:No presents??rly bad :c
[Edit 2]:If Delamortes will join my collab,I will have to kick someone in Un-co authored...
Hey! I'm in. My 3 parts are ready!